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The Edinburgh Transport Group

The Edinburgh Transport Group is based in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland.  Our aim is to promote an interest in contemporary, historic and heritage public transport, encompassing buses, coaches, railway traffic and other vehicles.  We meet regularly in the Edinburgh area to discuss our interests in an informal friendly situation, in the form of indoor meetings in the Autumn and Winter seasons, and outdoor events in the Spring and Summer months.  Our Winter meetings, from September to April (except December), consist of slide shows, talks and presentations by invited industry managers, knowledgable historians, and our own enthusiastic members.  Summer meetings, from April to August when there are more daylight hours, are normally bus trips to various locations on interesting vintage, heritage or modern buses hired for the occasion.  For more information, please browse the website.

  Forthcoming Events

Our planned meetings for the next few months are listed here.  Please put these dates in your diaries.  Further updates will given here in due course.

Thursday 19 September - ‘Diversions around Edinburgh’, talk by Callum Colville

Thursday 17 October - Talk and slide show by Alex Hornby, Group Managing Director, McGill’s Bus Group.

Our meetings take place at The Scots Guards Club, 2 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5DR. It's opposite Haymarket Station.

We also have a members’ Facebook page, which you are welcome to join, if you haven’t already done so.  Join our Facebook group page by clicking here.

  EXPRESS magazine


Our EXPRESS magazine is published regularly and sent out to members.  We’re always looking for material for inclusion.  If you would like to submit an article to be included in the magazine, whether it be detailed or basic, text or simply a few photos, then please contact us, by e-mail if possible.  Don’t worry about how it will look in the magazine, we’ll see to that.  The more material we have to publish, the more magazines you’ll receive!  So please get writing or photographing.

You can send any contributions using the following methods:-
By e-mail to
By post to Express Magazine, 39 Lilyhill Terrace, Edinburgh, EH8 7DR

  MEMBERSHIP - Join us!

The aim of The Edinburgh Transport Group is to promote an interest in public transport, encompassing buses, coaches, railway traffic and other vehicles.

Membership will entitle you to attend our monthly meetings in Edinburgh, and to receive our full colour magazine, EXPRESS, which is issued occasionally.  We hold our meetings on the third Thursday of every month (with the exception of December).  Winter meetings, from September to April, are held indoors, and consist of slide shows, talks, presentations or quizzes.  Summer meetings, from May to August, are normally bus trips to various locations on interesting vintage or modern buses hired for the occasion.

Membership costs £15 per year and is payable from 1 April each year.  Family membership is available for £20 per year.

You not not need to live in the Edinburgh area to join.  We have many members from near and far.  Those who are unable to attend the meetings will of course receive the "EXPRESS" magazine and have the same membership rights as everyone else.

If you are not a member and would like to join, you can currently do this in these ways:-

You can attend at any of the scheduled group meetings which will be detailed on this website, make yourself known and ask to see the Membership Secretary or Treasurer, either of whom will be happy to enrol you.  There is no commitment to join, so if you would like to come along and see what our meetings are like, please do so, and if you decide to return and join us, we will enrol you as a member.

You can write to our Membership Secretary:-
Brian Melrose, 25 Broomburn Grove, Edinburgh, EH12 7NN, enclosing your cheque, and we will enrol you as a member.

A copy of the Groups constitution is available upon request from us at this e-mail address.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Click here for details of some of our past events.

Click here for links to other websites that we hope will be of interest to you.